Friday, March 9, 2012

Articles About Other Worlds

The Lord revealed to Joseph Smith that there are worlds without number, and they serve as homes for the Father's children. Here are my articles about other worlds that show that scientists are learning about the cosmos and about planets (exoplanets) outside our solar system.

    Articles About the Next Life

    In addition to traditional Christian teachings of life after death and salvation through Jesus Christ, members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints have a unique belief about the condition of the earth in the next life. Here are links to my articles about that topic.

    Mormonism: Articles about Migrations in the Book of Mormon

    The study of migrations is important for Latter-day Saints for at least two reasons. First, the Book of Mormon claims three migrations to the Americas occurred. Second, the Americas were settled by migrations of people, and knowing about those migrations will help LDS have a broader understanding of settlements in the Americas. Following are links to various aspects of migration.

    Thursday, March 8, 2012

    Articles About The Mormon LIfestyle

    To members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, their religion is not just something they do on Sundays. It is more than just a "religion". It is a way of life. The following posts speculate about the lifestyle of the Latter-day Saints.

    Articles about Law

    A controversial question in Christianity is, Does God go against natural law in performing his works and miracles? Many if not most Latter-day Saints answer that question with a loud, "No!" We believe that God does follow natural laws in performing his works, including the creation of this earth and all of the cosmos. The posts shown below explain why I answer "No" to that question.

    Mormonism Articles about Mormon Folklore

    Members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints believe the members of the First Presidency and the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles are prophets, seers, and revelators. Many members believe that their General Authorities always speak for God and that any pronouncement made by a General Authority is from God. Many persons who have left the Church advocate the same thing, that the General Authorities have a conduit straight to God and always speak for God. Thus, if those persons can find one thing said by a General Authority that isn't true, then the General Authorities do not have a conduit to God, and the LDS church is false. In effect, these persons, including active members as well as inactive members or former members are saying that in order to be true prophets, the General Authorities must be infallible.

    Many members, including myself, believe that the General Authorities are human and thus commit sin and make mistakes. The posts listed below explore these questions: are the LDS authorities infallible? Can the authorities make mistakes? Do the authorities always speak for God? Visitors to the site are invited and encouraged to leave their opinions as comments to the posts.

    Articles about Family

    One of the doctrines of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is that we should be grouped in families and that parents are responsible to the Lord to teach the children to have faith in and to follow God. Following are articles about families, and the articles present both religious and scientific viewpoints about families.

    Articles Concerning Evolution

    Discussions about evolution and religion are controversial, because many people think that evolution implies atheism. These people say that God would not leave to chance and random mutations his creation of men and women. In making the posts shown below, I am attempting to explain my personal view that God did create the earth and men and women, but he did so by following the natural laws of nature. The scriptures tell us *why* God created the earth and men and women, but they don't tell us *how* God did his creations. Science is attempting to tell us *how* the earth was created, and I accept evolution, because it is the best answer science can give at this time.

    Articles Concerning Creation

    Basic Religious Concepts

    Scientific Viewpoint

    States of Existence